ateez reaction to masterlist

A few days before your period you always felt a little needy, and by now Mingi was used to your mood swings and weird behaviour. You and Hongjoong had been in a relationship for not too long, maybe 4-5 months at max. Its almost 2 a.m.. Its alright sweetheart, we can leave He said. Feeling a little more relieved you simply sat and waited until either the police or someone came to get you. Warnings/Disclaimer: I am aware the Mafia life is nothing like I am portraying it. You chuckled, nodding in agreement. You stayed as close to each other as possible for the rest of the evening, not even leaving one another to go anywhere. You just nodded and told him it was not his fault. 3) When you make them cookies when theyre tired/stressed. A few minutes later, the nurse arrived inside the room with your results printed on a piece of paper. You brushed your teeth and went to bed feeling way better, not only because you didnt feel as nauseous as before, but also because now Seonghwa knew about your fear. After you finished talking to your brother, Seonghwa asked you about it. Im through with you, Hongjoong.. Yunho opened his mouth to say something, but you just shook your head. In fact, its quite cheesy, but you truly completed each other, he knew you inside and out and you knew him completely too. However, the rumors started spreading even more with more false things added to it, and it started to worry him. You just laughed at him and looked at him lovingly. After a while, you started shivering again, and he realised it was probably best to go back. Wave 11. He looked down at you and you shook your head. You,being the bubbly and friendly person that you were, decided to respond and make conversation. Jongho was really fond of you, both on and off camera, and everyone could see that, except you. Yunho, Im sorry I ruined our date. You said honestly. Your mother opened the door, surprised to see a man outside. Meanwhile, a certain someone was watching you from the door. Im sorry, okay? he whispered, kissing you gently. writing is not an easy thing and i have spent a long time drafting ideas and . If you ever need to talk about anything, please dont hesitate to text or call me.. He then guided you through the entire thing, disregarding how he felt. You just loved him smell so much, you just tried to be close to him whenever you could. I wanna play it with you, San said, settling down beside you on the couch while you read a book. When you entered, you saw a small green butterfly approach you and instantly you panicked. After a while, you saw a drink slide in your direction, and looked up to see a stranger slide the cocktail in your direction. We need to get a few ingredients from the convenience store, he said and exited the app. You had treated Oneus Leedo to a meal after he gave you a couple of tips for some song-writing. Is everything alright? You said a a little worried. Guess your little boyfriend over there, doesnt mind either. You picked up the hoodie she was showing you. After he helped you put your luggage in his car, he began driving to your apartment. As soon as the man let go of you, you fell to the sand crying and sobbing. Soon after, KQ confirmed it too, stating that they have been dating for two months now. He quickly peeked behind you and saw a giant spot of blood, where you were sitting before. Yunho however, did not know of this, and he was about to find out, as you both went to the zoo. navigation Im sorry Yeo, I just I dont know why this is happening to me you sighed, frustratedly. For the months and years to come, he always made sure you took your medicines and eased the pain and helped in whatever way he could. Why did you say Im a friend?. You inhaled his scent and leaned into him. All you wanted right now was to sleep in his arms. Jongho on the other hand, was falling for you, hard. Yeosang snorted. Your hands were moving on their own and you removed your shirt and put the hoodie on. I like you a lot, Y/N.. The director smiled at the two of you, knowing this would really be some quality behind the scenes content. The director would often tease Jongho whenever he caught the man looking at you. You didnt know if you would ever see him again. Masterlist Ateez Reactions: - Your First Night Together -Things you do that turn him on (M) Ateez Reaction - Their S/O Having Bad Period Cramps Oneshots: The World Is Better In Your Arms - Kim Hongjoong Twilight - Choi San Headcanons: - Vacation with ATEEZ - Ateez as Pirates Ateez In Hogwarts MTL: Ateez MTL To Like PDA Got7: Reactions: He also starting kissing your forehead, and you let it slide, thinking it was genuinely cute. The rest of the way you both sang songs while walking home, and once you did reach home, he babied you to no end. You were about to say something, when he hugged you all of a sudden. I dont regret anything either, Yunho., Looking back at him, he had a small smile on his face. Also this is my second SeonghwaxMafia fic oops. No, no, no wait where are we going, the restaurant is the other way You told him as sternly as you could. Listen you bastard, let my girlfriend go! Mingi yelled at the man pushing him off of you. You couldnt move him to your shared bedroom, so you just lied down beside him, deciding to sort things out in the morning. Soon, the pain and nausea got so unbearable you couldnt help but cry. After a few rounds, everyone decided it was time to order. The breakup was rough and you both were young and immature that time. After he was done, he decided to sit next to you wake you up gently. Sighing, you picked it up. Y/n, I know I want this, but do you? He said rubbing your back. This was common during your cycle. He knew you had to do it cause of the show, so he wasnt really bothered. He started kneading them slightly, skilfully using his fingers to ease the tension. While setting the table up, you couldnt help but regret what happened earlier, you felt guilty for letting escalate so far and let a few tears fall. Alright, Y/N, your father said. Of course, he lied; he understood why you didnt tell your cousin that hes your boyfriend, but he just wanted to tease you. [Hongjoong, how much longer] you whisper yelled voice cracking at the end, [Woah, hey Y/n, whats up?] You had gone to Paris on vacation as a getaway, to take time away from both of your stressful lifestyles. Your stylist also told you that she was certain Jongho had a thing for you. You tried moving Hongjoongs arms away from you subtly, but he noticed and looked at you. You realised it was cologne and your curiosity getting the best of you, you smelled it. Congratulations!" The presenter of the award called out a few moments later, leaving Hongjoong stunned beside you. You want to take a break after an argument. You gulped down the drink in one go and as you did, tasted a weird bitter taste in your mouth. Unfortunately for you, your brother saw you talking to Mingi. You were on your period anyways, so this wasnt anything new. Im so happy to be here with you He whispered into your hair. Yeosang reached behind to take your arms, making you wrap them around his waist. You soon felt his hand trail up under your shirt and rub circles on your skin. At this point, most of the members were crying, or at least had teary eyes seeing their leader so broken. You nodded, placing soft kisses on his face, making him forget about everything for now. Sorry that this is so confusing ahaha. He wiped your lips and helped you brush your teeth, after which you took the meds. Ateez Masterlist Group Masterlist . Seonghwa then simply looked at you and told you, that the best way to get over your fear would be to expose yourself to it. After a few seconds of kissing, you pulled away. You took a break and went to get a coffee refill. You gasped and spoke to Wooyoung again. Y/N guided me a lot and helped me show a more natural side.. It was a normal day at the dorm, and you and San hadnt seen each other in a while. One of his friends noticed you. Babe? you quote before chuckling. Enjoy this longer than intended fic I guess. Im going out for dinner with my friend, you said. We need to go back now, let me go! Yunhos girlfriend yelled at him. You and Yeosang were quite the couple. Seonghwa slowly approached you, his eyes scanning you from head to toe, loving the way you looked in the red dress you were put in which was a gift from his character to yours in the drama. It was impossible for anyone to take their eyes off Kang Yeosang. Ateez Scenario MasterlistReactions Masterlist Hongjoong: A Bit Of Jealousy {S} Seonghwa: Drunken Jealousy {F} A Dirty Little Secret {F/S/A} Mini Series Masterpost (Coming Soon) Yunho: Laughters. You have been drunk a few times and knew how it felt, this was definitely a new feeling. Now however, you were definitely not strangers and Yunho was starting to feel emotions and feelings he couldnt describe. Despite feeling a little better now, you still sat on the ground in the washroom, feeling guilty. You took his hand, bringing it to your lips. [Okay, Woo-] You were interrupted by a doorbell ringing, and you went to go check the door. Well, we are the same species, he joked. Hell get shit pissed if he knew., Ah, okay, he said. San notices your presence and immediately pushes her away. You didnt care about that argument anymore. You came over to his house early in the morning just to make him breakfast in bed and to see is adorable morning messy hair. The second he saw you scooting closer, a wide smile erupted on his face, and he took you in his arms. Horizon 13. After a few days, he would gather the courage to confess to you, asking you out on a date to which you gladly accepted. You were a little shy, which gave him all the more reason to constantly check if the pace of your relationship was alright. Y/N, let Mingi sleep next to you! he said with a pout. This was the first time you were going to the dorms, where he stayed, but you didnt realise he lived with others, 7 others specifically. You heard him yell. You and Jongho had gone out for a late night stroll as you finally got time to spend with each other. [Alright then, Im coming home, we can talk it out] he said, you were relieved and happy that you would be able to sort it out, but also nervous to face him again. When you finally got to Ateezs dorm, Hongjoong opened the door for you and you greeted the rest of the members. Changbin likes to grab you by the hips and pull you to him, dropping many kisses along your jaw while being drowned by your natural scent. "I told you," you laughed, poking into Hongjoong's arm to bring him back into the room and let him realise what they'd done. He sounds familiar., Oh, uh, hes a family friend, you said. The glass door of the cafe opened and you noticed Yunho walking in; his hands were intertwined with someone elses. Mingi, what the fuck is this? you show him the texts. You always knew how to match each others energy and took risks together. However for you, this was your worst nightmare. There were often times when youd forget your lines because of the way he looked at you. After a while, you felt bad for making him sleep on the couch, so you went to the living room, finding him fast asleep. You know each other?. At this point he was furious and pushed the girl to the wall, pinning her against it. You then took the opportunity to take off his shirt. At this point, forgotten memories had all started coming back and your heart was racing at a million miles per hour, your head full of graphic flashbacks. Your legs moved on their own and you walked towards his closet. You rolled your eyes. When you came back to your dorm in the night, you immediately called San and explained how your company wanted you to collaborate with Jinyoung for an upcoming award show next week. You knew your feelings for him were genuine and you wanted to become more intimate. Nothing, just watching a movie with my friend, you replied, making Seonghwa frown. You tried to work out these emotions you thought you had forgotten about. The crawling sensation once again returning to your ears as it had years ago, you quickly shrieked, swatting it away. Its all right, you said honestly. He finds out youre a spy from his rival gang. Okay, you said, grabbing his phone from the table. Hongjoong came over to your apartment to surprise you, not knowing that your mother and aunt were there. The voices all sounded like male voices. Seonghwa wasnt really bothered about the rumors of you dating Leedo; you were under the same company as Oneus, so there were quite a lot of interactions between your group and Oneus. mtl. See, your best friend, was Yunhos younger, cousin sister. Then lets be late, Seonghwa chuckled, capturing your lips with his own again. You and Seonghwa were a funny couple, showing love to eachother with your constant teasing and nicknames. Jongho picked you up and took you back home. He offered to accompany you to therapy too. Wooyoung wouldnt admit it, but you knew he got really jealous when he saw a few comments of fans shipping you with Yeonjun. You couldnt even imagine the thought of someone else throwing up, let alone yourself. Despite all the various attempts on numerous occasions to initiate more intimate contact, he would usually shy away or wouldnt reciprocate it, so you felt guilty for making him feel uncomfortable. What a tragic life you had. He just laughed at your cuteness and got out his phone. You cried, looking at him with watery eyes. Let go of me! You yelled at him, trying to step back, only for his nails to further dig into your shoulder. bye everyone! He yelled as he pulled your hand and left the cafe. Hurt-comfort, Words; 982 (including the prologue, oops~) 634 (excluding it) 250 (for just the main part/italics- see I kinda did stick to the limit), Request; AHHH CONGRATS ON 250 FOLLOWERSS! Hey Y/N, are you still feeling nauseous? Yeosang asked carefully, crouching down to take your chin in his hands. He apologised the next day, crying, you quickly accepted not realising that you were now trapped in this endless cycle. You scoffed. Im sorry, babe. This was it. navigation Ateez Reactions and Scenarios Requests are open! Soon enough, you started taking longer breaths and were no longer hyperventilating. Yeah, were just collecting seashells she smiled back at them. Deciding to pay him a visit, you made your way to their dorm to surprise him. You wanted to surprise him with some ramen, and so here you were. Although this memory was quite short, it would be quite memorable. Id rather sleep here, right next to you.. Enough was enough however, you decided to finally fight your fears and look at them. You sneakily took that as a sign, and scooted closer to him. Confessing your / his feelings after an arranged marriage. When it was time to read the comments from the viewers, you found out that you were one of Yunhos favorite actors. Dont apologise hun he said while walking back to you. You got out of bed, going to the living room where Seonghwa was. Entropy (k.ys) synopsis: things never went according to plan; career wise, family wise, relationship wise and especially not when you were suddenly saddled with an infant to raise but you learned to roll with the punches. He was too busy looking at you to realise he'd run straight for a corner trapping himself between the fence and San. Yunho kicked the guy holding you and then ran to his girlfriend. Thats no way Im sitting on that, especially without a helmet., Ive never crashed or been in an accident even once. It was a picture of you making a snow angel. oh was the only thing you managed to get out. About halfway home, you saw a hooded man walking across the street from you. Sleep on the couch. Hey, no, no wait up, we just want to talk The other man grabbed her wrist. please dont hurt me Im begging you You pleaded, your voice muffled by your head being stuffed in your arms shielding yourself. His character required him to act in a cute manner, and there were often times when your heart would just melt because of how adorable he was. Dont stay out too late, and take care of yourself.. This was still not enough for you though. Mingi dozed off to sleep while waiting for you to come over. When the rumors started spreading even more, Jongho only waited for either your company or Daehwis company to deny it; he trusted you a lot, so he didnt dwell on it much. You muted the TV, picking up your brothers call. He was in the washroom taking a bath, and so you just simply waited for a bit. Its over, Mingi.. You took the opportunity and for the first time in your relationship, you kissed him softly and responded, (From the perspective on Sans Girlfriend - read pt.1 for Yunhos girlfriends pov). You looked to the side and it was Hongjoong. You called Yunho, as you were scared for his girlfriend. "Ouch," you groaned, a lump running down . He let your bra fall to your stomach, before taking it out and throwing it to the side. Babe, I can explain, Then explain! you yell, trying to control yourself from crying. Scene 19, take 1, the camera assistant called out before hitting the slate. Ateez Masterlist Legend: Fluff Smut Headcanon Reaction Request Rules Back to the main masterlist! Y/N, I swear it's. San blushed, burying his face in his hands. You stared at the door as he did, too paralysed to do anything. Calm down, just take my boxers and like wrap them in some tissue paper, it should work as a makeshift pad. You were moving to another country to pursue your higher studies, and you decided to text Yunho the night before, apologizing for the rough times and thanking him for the good times. The man started chasing after you, and you had no option but to try and take abnormal turns while running to try to lose him. He kissed the nape of your neck and squeezed you breasts tighter. Yeosang patted your shoulder and you flinched. Neither did you. At this point however, your cramps had begun to set in, and every once in a while you let out a pained whine or sigh. ateez masterlist. He sat you in his lap, the both of you facing the toilet bowl. Baby? You heard music coming from one of the practise rooms, and you opened the door. You and Seonghwa rarely got time together due to his busy schedule, however after a lot of begging the KQ staff, all the boys had gotten the weekend and a few days off. I am writing this imagine from my experience of pmdd, however remember everyones body is different, and in no way do I want to generalise any illness. Well, I love you too Y/N, and I bet I love you more he said with his eyes full of tears too. He knew that. both of you stay right there, me and San are coming to get you, dont worry. Y/n-ah, I think Hongjoong hyung is having a panic attack, he wont stop crying and cant breathe, please hurry! He sternly said. The dance was pretty intimate, so when the hosts of the show asked you and Soon to perform it, Wooyoung would be extremely jealous. ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>. When you just blankly stared at him, he starting acting all cute, eventually making you crack a smile. Okay thank you, happy reading! You were straddling him and could feel him completely. No, Mingi, Im not sleeping next to you, you said, crossing your arms over your chest. You couldnt get any words out and simply sobbed. You laughed and pulled the blanket over your heads completely until it was covering the both of you. OH MY GOODNESS, NO WAY! he yelled into the phone. The rest of Ateezs and Ateez girlfriends were taking pictures, building sand castles and having fun, while Yunho and his Mingi went to go get ice cream for everyone. When you arrived at the studio, you found all the boys huddled around Hongjoong, while he was sobbing and gasping. Im gonna ask her to get my hoodie or something, so shell find it hidden there. Hey, you should have told me before we left, youre more important than this lunch meet up, we can always reschedule. Quite ironically, he was always the clingier one, in need of affection. She showed you this blue hoodie he had lent her and you just nodded your head, unsure of what to say. smut (s) | angst (a) | fluff (f) Ateezs reaction to their s/o calling them when Ateez reaction to their s/o having an intense phobia (Hyung Line), Ateez Reaction to their s/o having pmdd (Hyung Line), Ateez reaction their s/o loving their scent (Hyung Line), Ateez Reaction to their s/o calling them when theyre in danger (hyung line), Ateez Reaction to their s/o having pmdd (Maknae Line), Ateez Reaction to their s/o calling them when theyre in danger (maknae line). About halfway through the movie, you noticed Hongjoong staring at you, you looked back up at him and shrugged, asking him what was wrong only for him to sigh and shake his hand. You were at a club, celebrating a close friends bachelorette party. Y/n, I think Im ready to move on to the next stage of our relationship He said, and your eyes lit up. You and Seonghwa had been dating for over 4 years, but he still never forgot to ask for your approval. This was much needed for the both of you and you had quite a lot on your agendas. [Y/N, I thought I told you not to call me] He said sighing. He knew he started the argument and he was wrong, but he apologized many times. He takes a step towards you. S , 2) Baking Antics - C (Collaboration with @kpopjust4u), -Behind closed doors (Wooyoung) SOL, SU, A, S, F, - The Roommate Agreement (Yeosang) SOL, A, F, SU, S. Once you left, you quickly wobbled to a stall and pulled your underwear down to check. [Y/N, where are you, its been like 20 minutes, are you okay?] ! San squeaked out when his manager told him about his shooting schedule for tomorrow. In a few minutes, you heard light knocking on the door and you violently flinched. Save it, you murmur. Recently, he pranked you by banging on the window and knocking on the door when you were home alone. Yeo, Im going to go get a drink, Ill be right back You said a little breathless. Hey ladies! I want you to slowly walk towards Y/N and stand right behind her before the kiss, the director explained to Seonghwa, gesturing to the area where you will be standing. He apologised and you continued with the story. Yeosang wasnt blind. Im so sorry! Mingi apologized to you and the crew who laughed along with you.

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ateez reaction to masterlist