side effect of justicia carnea

Meth Enzymol. Mapanga RF, Musabayane CT. [4].Inflammationinjuries, in an attempt to heal is presented by five cardinal signs of heat (calor), redness (rubor), swelling (tumor), pain (dolor) and loss of function5.Studieshave demonstrated inflammation as being caused by Onyeabo C, Achi NK, Ekeleme-Egedigwe CA, Ebere CU, Okoro CK. Brazilian-plumeflowers are best propagated from softwood cuttings. The levels of white blood cell count, lymphocyte, granulocyte and MID could indicate that ethanol extract of J. carnea leaf pose no toxicity or sub acute inflammation to the overall defense mechanism and immunity of the experimental rats. Star Apple: Amazing Health Benefits of eating its fruits. Based on estimation by World Health Organization (WHO), larger percentage (between 80 and 90%) of the worlds population especially in developing countries depends on traditional system of medicine [1, 2]. 1.3.1 Aetiologyof Anaemia Anaemia may be due to a single factor such as a nutritional deficiency or multifactorial (McEvoy, 2013). Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Oso BJ, Oyewo EB and Oladiji AT. Antianaemic potentials of some plant extracts on phenyl hydrazineinduced anemia in rabbits. volume7, Articlenumber:2 (2021) How long does it take for Aju mbaise to work. Technical guidelines assembly of veterinary medicine research. Cardioprotective role of Justicia traquebareinsis Linn. This requires more attention to properly document the various health benefits of justicia carnea. Justicia carnea is a popular ornamental plant, which possesses powerful medicinal values. Note: A=change in absorbance, TV=total volume, SV=sample volume, =molar extinction=4020M1cm1, TP=total protein. This lends the plant some interesting names such as Blood of Jesus plant and Hospital too far. Walters DM., Cho Hye-Youn, Kleeberger SR. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants in the Pathogenesis of Pulmonary Fibrosis: A Potential Role for Nrf2. As for light exposure, keep the plant away from the full sun. A multidisciplinary overview of intoxicating snuff rituals in the western hemisphere. Contamination of medicinal plant could be as a result of contaminants (such as heavy metals, aflatoxin and pathogenic microbes) from soil and manner of herbal preparations [4]. This research focused on the safety and in vivo antioxidant status of healthy albino rats exposed to J. carnea leaf ethanol extract. Sci. Anthonia OC, Ikechukwu UR, Uzoma NO, Sunday ELU. 1999;9:18. It is also composed of vitamins and minerals good for heart health. Photomicrograph of liver sections stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H & E) are presented in Fig. Materials and Methods statement and But like in the case of depression and hepatitis, other species of justicia have been studied and proven to be antiepileptic. For professional medical information on natural medicines, see Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Professional Version. Acute toxicity was determined in two phases using Lorke method. He earned B.Sc. Nutritive properties of aqueous extract Justicia carnea leaves and its effects on haematological and some biochemical indices of anaemia induced male wistar albino rats. 2. Terms and Conditions, Phytochemical screening and Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis indicated presence of . what are the pros and cons of testosterone replacement therapy? Fresh leaves of Justicia carnea were collected from Okitipupa area Ondo State. The higher LD50 (>5000mg/kg body weight) of J. carnea leaf ethanol extract suggested that the ethanol extract is experimentally safe and not toxic. J Ethnopharmacol 2000;70(2):151-159. Caterpillars may be an occasional problem, chewing down on some of the foliage. J Afr Ass Physiol Sci. Correspondence to One of the side-effects of some orthodox drugs used in the past had been excessive inhibition of the carbohydrate-hydrolyzing enzymes, which in turn leads to abdominal discomfort and. Therapeutic Research Faculty 2020. 2010;4(8):6804 Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. Authors KOK and ESA performed the statistical analysis and managed the analyses of study. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. When it comes to blood boosting and treatment of anemia, justicia carnea has proven beyond doubt to be an effective remedy. When properly cooked with water, the leaf resembles blood, and when milk is added, it turns pink. Therefore,it is imperative to investigate the effects of the plant on the essential biochemical indices in diabetic rats so as to establish its safety. Except the group that received 1200mg/kg JCEE which showed significant (p<0.05) elevation of SOD and MDA in the liver, other doses (<1200mg/kg) demonstrated no significant difference compared to the control. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. National Research Council. To use the website as intended please Prepare the existing soil by breaking it up with a spade or hoe. Side effects of Ewe eje (Justicia carnea leaf Side Effects). As a consequence, depletion of reduced glutathione (GSH) either by removal from the cell or oxidation to GSSG could eventually lead to mild oxidative stress in cells and tissues [33, 34]. Biomed Environ Mass Spectrom 1988;15(8):413-417. Also observed is a distortion in the walls of the blood vessels (red arrow), pyknotic hepatocytes and signs of inflammation (red arrow), Photomicrographs of kidney sections stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (Mag. 2012;9(1):817 In this article i will take you through the nutritional and medicinal benefits of justicia carnea. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you. With exception of low doses that showed normal morphology of the hepatocyte and sinusoid that is not infiltrated, high doses of extract greater than 500mg/kg showed mild fat congestion in the central venules with liver parenchyma showing area of hemorrhage compared to the control. Organic extract of Justicia pectoralis Jacq. The result from the kidney histology could be due to the presence of active secondary metabolites and daily dosing of the extract. Ewe eje improves the production of white blood cells and other antibodies, all which are essential for strengthening immunity. The plant, which is usually green in color and produces pink flowers, belongs to the family of Acanthaceae. SOD is involved in the dismutation of the highly reactive superoxide anion to molecular oxygen (O2) and to less reactive hydrogen peroxides (H2O2) species, whereas CAT removes hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and toxic hydroxyl radical into water molecule [35]. J Am Diet Assoc. Cookies policy. Haematoxic effects following ingestion of Nigerian crude oil and crude oil polluted shellfish by rats. Vitamin B aids in the formation of red blood cells and helps to build tissues. hindawi publishing corporation evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine. This is . During the growing season, the justicia (plant) should be watered thoroughly with room temperature water. African J Plant Sci. Data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) version 17.0 and results were expressed as meanSEM. 217-230. This copyrighted material is provided by Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database Consumer Version. Related: The Persian Shield plant is also in the Acanthaceae family. Part shade is the ideal growing condition for Brazilian plumes. The animals were initially examined for any signs of toxicity after 60min of administration and further observed for a period of 24h. The absence of rat mortality in phase I necessitated the conduct of the second phase. Justicia carnea [jus-TEE-see-ah, KAR-nee-uh] is popularly known as the Brazilian Plume Flower. Radhika J, Sathya S, Jothi G, Japasheba JL. McCune LM, Johns T. Antioxidant activity in medicinal plants associated with the symptoms of diabetes mellitus used by the indigenous peoples of the north American boreal forest. Karigidi is a lecturer in the Biochemistry unit of Chemical Sciences Department, Olusegun Agagu University of Science and Technology, Okitipupa, Ondo State, Nigeria. The plant produces dark green leaves around 8 inches in length. This is not a big concern as it wont kill the plant and you will find a solution at your local gardening center. They can easily tolerate acidic to slightly alkaline sandy, loamy, and clay soils. The renal effects of blood glucose-lowering plant-derived extracts in diabetes mellitus-an overview. 2015;15:236. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The concentration of reduced glutathione content of the tissues was estimated according to Sedlak and Lindsay [19] method. The flowering Justicia plant is a perennial native to the Atlantic Forest eco-regions in eastern Brazil. Justicia carnea and Cnidoscolus aconitifolius were tested for their capacity to ameliorate the fecundity of chloramphenicol-induced lymphoma in rats. The changing faces of glutathione, a cellular protagonist. One of the oldest known plant is the fig tree. In-vivo studies have revealed that radicals produced from these dietary antioxidants are constantly regenerated back to their active form by GSH in the ascorbate glutathione cycle. Water your plants deeply during growth periods, allowing the soil to dry . Google Scholar. Pharm. The very tropical looking Brazilian plume with its bright inflorescence is definitely a unique addition to gardens. 2012; 22(1):220238; However, coadministration of both extracts exerts a synergistic effecton the . 2013;3(4):1248 Exactly 1.0ml of tissues (liver and kidney) was deproteinised using 0.1ml of 10% TCA and centrifuged at 650g for 5min to obtain supernatant. CAS Rats that received 50 and 100mg/kg body weight JCEE showed significant (p<0.05) increase in liver weight while other doses showed no significant difference compared to the control. Privacy Some people would rather chew the leaves, while others add to meals or brew into a tea (in combination with other plants). Olumese FE, Onoagbe IO, Eze GI, Omoruyi FO. They range in colors such as red, orange, mauve, magenta, apricot, and pink. Consequently, the effects of the extract on MDA level could indicate damage to cell membrane lipids of the hepatocyte which could result to increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). From mild to severe order, the graded doses showed distorted renal cortex with collapsed renal glomeruli and dillated capsular spaces. According to acute toxicity grading standards, LD50 of substances greater than 5000mg/kg is practically considered non-toxic [22, 23]. How to make Ewe eje Extracthow to prepare justicia carnea. Also, remove old flowers to keep the plant healthy. Faiza R, Waqas KK, Adeel M, Muhammad G. Detection of bioactive fractions of Justicia adhatoda leaves. In phase two, three rats were separated into 3 groups of one rat per group. Acute and sub-acute toxicity studies of aqueous and methanol extracts of Nelsonia campestris in rats. You can add the leaves and water altogether in a pot and allow to boil till the water turns red. Studies have shown that ewe eje isnt capable of causing damage to the liver. Ethanol extract of J. carnea leaf elevated red blood cell, hemoglobin, packed cell volume and platelet count with significant increase at higher doses of extracts compared to the control. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of simple coumarins, 3-phenylpropionic acids and their hydroxy and methoxy derivatives. The cuttings are taken from the parent plant in the spring after the plant has bloomed. Another strong benefits of justicia carnea leaves is in lipid profile. The Pros and Cons of Creatine You Should Know. While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. A cup of water It has been reported previously that under certain conditions, dietary antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, tocopherol and carotenoids could act, occasionally, as pro-oxidants to initiate slight degree of oxidative stress microenvironment. The liver and kidneys were excised and rinsed immediately in a normal saline (0.9% Nacl) to remove blood stain, dried between layers of Whatman filter paper, weighed and homogenized to obtain the supernatant for biochemical analysis. White blood cell counts usually increases following foreign invaders (pathogens) resulting in normal body physiological response which boost the bodys defense mechanisms [28, 29]. It also grows in some Caribbean islands, including Trinidad and Tobago. Article Aim. Diallo A, Gbeassor M, Vovor A, Eklu-Gadegbeku K, Aklikokou K, Agbonon A. One of the numerous nutritional benefits of justicia carnea leaves is in the possession of various forms of the B vitamins such as Vitamin B1, B2, B6, B9, and B12. Effect of Tectona grandis on phenylhydrazine induced anemia in rats. 2). There may be some problems if the air is too dry in winter. 2003;84:99104. The genus Justicia named after the 18th-century Scottish botanist James Justice is a flowering plant in the family Acanthaceae. Pompella A, Visvikis A, Paolicchi A, De Tata V, Casini AF. This also helps prevent self-seeding, which normally takes up a lot of the plants energy at the expense of flowering. Justicia pectoralis might have many different effects in the body. Side effects of Ewe eje (Justicia carnea leaf Side Effects) Ewe eje is safe and healthy for consumption. Estimation of total, protein-bound, and non-protein sulfhydryl groups in tissues with Ellmans reagent. 400). The flowers are slightly fragrant and mostly sterile. View abstract. Extraction was carried out by maceration (72h) following the method of Onoagbe et al., [13]. Mounanga MB, Mewonob L, Angone SA. I do hope that after reading through this article, you would plan to start cultivating this amazing plant specie in your garden. Each of the rats received 1500, 2900 and 5000mg/kg body weight of JCEE respectively and examined within 24h for manifestation of toxicity. The findings show that ethanol extracts of Costus afer and Justicia carnea could operate as main antioxidants and free radical scavengers. Arch Toxicol. Afr J Tradit Complement Altern Med. These minerals help in boosting blood production, which is why the plant is called ogwu obara (blood medicine) among the Igbo people of Southern Nigeria. 2019;30(4):64554. Not sure which Justicia to pick?Compare All Justicia. There are several nutritional benefits of justicia carnea leaves. A total number of forty two (42) male albino rats weighing between 120 and 170g were used in this study. 2013;1:38898. Keep in mind that natural products are not always necessarily safe and dosages can be important. The absorbance was taken at interval of 1min for 3min at 480nm. Olaniyan JM, Hadiza LM, Hussaini AM, Musa BB, Abubakar SA. All authors read and approved the final draft of the manuscript. This study investigated the in-vitro antioxidant activity of ethanol leaf extract of Justicia carnea and its effect on antioxidant status of alloxan-induced diabetic albino rats. and M.Sc. (2020). Luckily, the unique flowers of Jacobinia carnea and its foliage are free from major pest and disease concerns. Saunders; 1995. p. 26873. Ogwu obara can act as a blood tonic for women during menstruation. MacRae, W. D. and Towers, G. H. Justicia pectoralis: a study of the basis for its use as a hallucinogenic snuff ingredient. if you add justicia carnea leaves in avocado seed tea, you may just get yourself the best remedy for cardiovascular diseases. Anti-depressant-like effect of kaempferitrin isolated from Justicia spicigera Schltdl (Acanthaceae) in two behavior models in mice: evidence for the involvement of the serotonergic system. 10.9734/ijbcrr/2020/v29i630194. Generally disease free. However, the mechanism by which phytochemicals act as prooxidants in-vivo is still under investigation [25]. The absorbance of the supernatant was measured against reagent blank at 532nm. Sun M, Zigma S. An improved spectrophotometer assay of superoxide dismutase based on epinephrine autoxidation. Control treated group showed normal micromorphological sections. It creates the perfect environment for aphids and dried sod. SOD activity was determined by its ability to inhibit the auto-oxidation of epinephrine determined by the increase in absorbance at 480nm. BMC Complem Altern Med. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. long (25 cm), and showy flower plumes, 8 in. I am a practicing medical doctor, a philosopher, critical thinker, a globalist, a patriot, SEO expert and a patient blogger. However, caution should be taken as higher dose at 1200mg/kg could cause noticeable tissue injury. 400). Research reports it isn't capable of . Watering depends on humidity and temperature. Infertility after therapy, in particular, imposes a significant mental strain on young patients. The reaction is terminated by the addition of 2ml of dichromoacetic acid mixture (potassium dichromate (5%) and glacial acetic acid; 1:3v/v) and heated at 60C for 10min. PubMed PubMed Central Feed the soil when the cutting is new to encourage better growth. The red coloration of the decoction made people think that the plant must contain blood boosting compounds. View abstract. Having discussed the nutritional benefits of ewe eje, i shall now take you through the various health benefits of justicia carnea leaves, and roots. Onyeabo, Chimaraoke & Achi, Ngozi & Chima, Ekeleme-Egedigwe & Ebere, Chidinma & Okoro, Chidinma. J Ethnopharmacol. In winter, you might have to spray the leaves with water, especially if the air is dry. In a study conducted by Onyeabor and colleagues, the leaf extract of jusiticia carnea reverses the anemic effect of phenylhydrazine on the pack cell volume, red blood cell, and hemoglobin concentrations., DOI: Higher doses (>500mg/kg) of extract significantly (p<0.05) increased RBC, hemoglobin and platelet compared to the control. You can add milk or honey for taste before drinking. While not necessary, prune the justicia (plant) freely to maintain the desired shape and size. I also conduct research on molecular basis of human diseases, linking the pharmacological properties of certain natural products and their mechanisms of actions to the treatment of such diseases. 2015;6(7):265270. 1958;25(1):192205. The unique and beautiful tubular flowers of Justicia carnea highlight the plant. The acute toxicity test also proved that justicia carnea leaves are safe for consumption. Powdered sample (1000g) was soaked in absolute ethanol (3000mL) with constant stirring. Justicia carnea (belonging to Acanthaceae family) is a flowering plant consisting ~600 species that are widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics [7]. He has B.Sc.,and M.Sc. View abstract. Growing up, we were told many biblical stories, Negro pepper (Xylopia aethiopica) is a spice plant that possess several health benefits, which make it an indispensable, Eating for its sour taste when fairly ripen and sweet taste when well ripen, star apple finds favor, Fertility tree (Newbouldia laevis), also known as boundary tree, Ogirisi in Igbo, Adikuru in Hausa and Ewe akoko, Guava (Psidium guajava) is a well known tropical tree which is widely grown for its fruits. The gradual decrease in the weight of organs following short-term exposure of J. carnea leaf ethanol extract may be attributed to adaptive response of the organs arising from daily dosage of the extract or its metabolites within their body. Oral acute toxicity study on J. carnea ethanol extract (JCEE) was carried out according to Lorke [15] method using the total of twelve (12) albino rats in two phases. Philadelphia: WB. [1] The perennial plant is native to the Atlantic Forest ecoregions of eastern Brazil . Mr. T.S. Occupational Health and Safety in the Care and Use of Research Animals. Wash the Justicia carnea leaves thoroughly to eliminate all forms of insects and dust. Superoxide dismutase was carried out using the method of Sun and Zigma [18]. There are several scientific studies which show that the methanolic leaf extract of Justicia carnea protects the liver from toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride harmful effect on the live integrity and functions. The effects of ethanol extract of J. carnea leaf on total protein concentration and antioxidant system in liver and kidney of normal wistar rat is presented in Table 4. In recent time, copious attention has been focused on the use of medicinal plants in the management and treatment of ailments such as anemia, diabetes and malaria. Leaf extract in isoproterenol induced myocardial infarction in albino rats. Anaemia is a common blood disorder that affects people of all ages, though people at greater risk are the elderly, young women and infants. However, scientifically it is called Justicia carnea. While the renal tubules across the tested groups were normal with the interstitial spaces showing moderate congestion and hemorrhage, there appeared some abnormalities in the renal cortex (such as few sclerotic glomeruli with moderately dilated capsular spaces) resulting in fair architectural structure of the kidney (Fig. Justicia carnea has been used in traditional medicine to treat diabetes. In these groups, from mild to severe order; shows observable congested portal vein, the liver parenchyma showed area of harmorrhage, the morphology of the hepatocytes appear pyknotic, some show mild fat infiltration (red arrow) the sinusoids appear fibrotic with infiltration of inflammatory red cells (red arrow). Regular intake can reduce your risk of liver diseases like liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and liver inflammation. 1. Influence of ethanolic extracts of dried fruit of Xylopia aethiopica (Dunal) A. Join now and start creating your dream garden! 1983;53:27589. Check these Great Plant Combination Ideas with Justicia, Eye-Catching Retaining Walls and Staircases, An Eye-Catching Mediterranean Garden with Agave, Aloe and Pincushion, A Striking Water-Wise Border with Agave, Cactus and Ocotillo, A Beautiful Duo with Agave 'Blue Flame' and 'Blue Glow', A Long-Lasting Summer Garden Idea with Marigold and Sage, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, H1, H2.

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side effect of justicia carnea